Friday, September 16, 2016

Excerpt from my short story- Tales from the Wondrous Attic

Tales From The Wondrous Attic

Stephen St. Clair

Chapter One

Dust bunnies, ages old littered the stairs as grandpa climbed the wooden staircase that led to the locked attic door. When he reached the door, he fumbled in his pocket for the keys.
“Ah, there they are, can’t get very far without these!” Grandpa exclaimed.
“Grandpa, what’s even in the attic?” spoke a voice from the bottom of the stairs.
“Who cares, I just want to get this done so I can get back on the computer!” came another voice, but from part way up the stairs.
“Now girls, you agreed to help your old grandpa with this! You know how Grandma gets when I don’t get my chores done. Besides, if we are ever going to sell this place, we have to get the stuff out of the attic, so Goodwill can come and pick it up,” Grandpa explained.
“I know Grandpa, that’s why I’m helping you. Grandma says I’m always a good helper when someone needs me!” said the younger of the two girls named Mackenzie.
“We know Mackenzie, you’re such a good helper! That’s why the last time mom had you help carry up the groceries you dropped the eggs and broke all of them!” said the oldest sister named Megan.
“Hey, I thought one of the eggs was chirping at me!” the younger sister said.
“All right you two-” Grandpa turned to look at both girls. He stood up to his full height of 6’5”, which wasn’t easy for him to do because of the arthritis in his back. Despite his physical limitations, even at 67 years old, Grandpa was still an imposing figure.
“If you two don’t stop, I’m not going to take either of you to the movies tonight or to the beach tomorrow with Grandma!” Grandpa looked sternly at the two girls, but then a small smile formed at the corner of his lips.
“Now you two pixies get along and help me so we can get this stuff done,” Grandpa commanded as he turned to switch on the light that was above his head.
“Sorry Grandpa!” both girls muttered under their breath.
The two girls, Megan and Mackenzie, were sisters both and were the Yin and Yang of the family. At any moment, one of them would give you a hug while the other would be eating your cookies and drinking your milk the second you turned your back. Seldom did they get along, yet seldom were apart. It was if they were magnetically attracted to each other. Megan was the oldest at thirteen years old. She was just 5 feet tall. She had dark brown eyes and short, dark brown hair. She was the strong willed and determined sister between the two. Mackenzie was 10 years old and all of 4’ 10”. Just two inches shy of her sister, but just as tall if not taller in spirit. She was the playful sister with a very intuitive imagination.
“Hey grandpa, why do you keep the door locked?” Megan asked.
“Well, you never know what might jump out at you!” Grandpa replied, smiling.
“Grandpa!” Mackenzie exclaimed.
“I’m just kidding darlin’!” Grandpa replied.
“What are we looking for, Grandpa?” Megan asked.
“Grandma said there were some boxes of old books that your dad used to read when he was a boy. Also, I think there were some old clothes and stuff.” Grandpa said.
“So basically, that would be pretty much everything up here, right? Because everything I see so far is old books or old clothes!” said Megan turning in circles as if surveying the land.
“I know Meg, just keep looking and holler when you see it. The books will be all science fiction and the clothes will be all... umm... kinda like the books.” Grandpa 
said smiling as if he was remembering something from a lifetime ago.
“I like old books! It’s like going on a journey every time you pick up a different book!” Mackenzie said smiling.
            All three walked around the attic carefully dodging the cobwebs and dust covered objects. The girls shied away from the objects that were out of reach or in too dark of a corner.
            Megan came to a sudden stop, when right behind her, Mackenzie crashed into her. This sudden movement knocked Megan into a large object covered with a sheet.
MACKENZIE!”Megan cried as she stumbled, catching part of the sheet and pulling it off the object hiding below it.
“Mackenzie, I swear you better watch what you’re doing or…” Megan started to complain but realized that Mackenzie was nowhere to be found. Plus, she was distracted by the mirror that was hiding underneath the sheet she tripped over.
“Hey Grandpa, why do you have a mirror hiding under this old sheet?” Megan asked still staring at the mirror.
“Cover that up quick!” Grandpa said hastily rushing over to cover the mirror.
“Grandpa, you’re back doesn’t hurt!” Megan said with wide-eyed amazement in how fast her grandpa moved.
“I can move fast when I want; I just choose not to. I wouldn’t want your Grandma to think I was able to still conquer the world ya’ know!” Grandpa said looking down at Megan smiling.
“Okay Grandpa, whatever. I’m going to go look for Mackenzie now.”
“Hey Mackenzie where are you?” Megan said as she started looking around the dimly lit attic.
“Mackenzie!” Megan yelled. She took a step around the object that caused her to land on the floor and bruise her pride.
Megan moved on, finally finding her sister on the far side of the attic, where she was standing in front of a large trunk. She was mesmerized by the designs on the front and the large lock that hung almost sideways on the clasp.
Grandpa, still wandering around, realized he hadn’t heard his two helpers for a while and called out to them.
“Girls, girls where are you? I swear if you snuck back downstairs to get out of helping me, I’m gonna nail your pretty little…”
“Grandpa, what’s this?” Megan asked pointing to the chest.
“Yeah Grandpa, what is this?” Mackenzie also asked.
Grandpa walked over to where the girls were and stopped a few feet away to look at what was holding up his help. Grandpa stood for a long minute before one of the girls got his attention.
“Grandpa, don’t you know what this is? It is in your attic.” Megan asked annoyingly.
“I haven’t the slightest idea girls, but I’m sure it’s nothing important,” Grandpa said.
He was actually lying to his granddaughters. Even though it had been a lifetime ago, he knew exactly what lay within the trunk and the evils that had taken place previously within it.
Grandpa started to walk away when he saw that Mackenzie had got down on one knee to get a better look at what was on the lock.
“Mackenzie, you probably shouldn’t mess with that trunk. I think it might have some stuff of your grandma’s in it,” Grandpa said. 
“There seems to be some symbols on the lock,” Mackenzie said, ignoring what her grandpa just said.
She looked closer at the lock again. It was heavy and had some sort of criss-cross design on it. She lifted up the lock to see the back, where she found more symbols scratched into the surface.
“Hey Grandpa, what do you think these symbols mean?” Mackenzie asked.
Grandpa tried looking over Mackenzie’s shoulder to look at the back of the lock.
“I don’t know. Let’s see here. It looks like...hmmm... what language is this?”
“It says ‘fhosgail’,” Megan said.
Suddenly, the lock fell open in Mackenzie’s hands. All three jumped back; even Grandpa with his bad back.
“Girls, what just happened?” Grandpa asked.
“You spoke the word on the back and the lock opened!” Megan replied.
“Yeah, it was like magic, Grandpa! Mackenzie spoke up with a huge smile plastered across her face.
“Well, I can tell you one thing; it wasn’t magic that opened the lock!” Grandpa knew it was though, but he wasn’t going to tell his granddaughters that. “Maybe it was full of dust or something.” Grandpa said, eyeing the open lock.
“Grandpa look, there’s more writing like what’s on the lock, but this is above where the lock was. It says “fhosgaite” said Mackenzie.
Creeeeeeeekkkk!” the lid to the trunk suddenly swung open.
“AHHH!” All three screamed in surprise, both girls clinging to Grandpa’s side.
“G-g-g-grandpa, Did you s-s-s-see that?” Megan asked?
“I’m starting to wish I hadn’t honey!” Grandpa replied.
Mackenzie was the first to move. She was finding it hard to not let curiosity win her over.
“Mackenzie wait!” Megan hissed at her sister.
“I’m just going to peek. What can it hurt?” Mackenzie shrugged her shoulders and tiptoed over to peek inside the trunk.
“Mackenzie, stay back!” Grandpa said.
Mackenzie turned to look at the two fraidy-cats standing behind her and smiled, then said, “I’m just going to look. Magic or no magic; that’s just weird!” Mackenzie shook her head.
Mackenzie crept up to the edge of the trunk and peered over the edge ever so carefully. A puzzled look came over her face.
“What do you see, Mackenzie?” Megan asked.
“It looks like a piece of paper rolled up. Hold on, let me get it.” As she leaned over the edge of the trunk, reaching for the piece of rolled up paper, Mackenzie somehow lost her balance, causing her to fall into the trunk.
At the same time, realizing that Mackenzie was starting to fall in the trunk, both Megan and Grandpa were able to grab hold of a separate piece of clothing on Mackenzie. Somehow, as if by ‘magic’, something caused all three people to fall inside the trunk.
Ahhh!” screamed the trio.
As soon as all three had gone over the edge of the trunk, the lid slammed shut and the lock mysteriously appeared back on the trunk, locked. A faint laughter echoed from the trunk and filled the attic like a soft wind.

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