Monday, August 29, 2016


This past weekend was, of course spent writing. It is an addictive thing for sure, but to look back knowing that I have created a virtual life, gives me a sense of wonder and pride. I have been working on a new manuscript, my second attempt at a romance manuscript, and it's amazing how much thought actually goes into the writing end of it. For me, writing is an escape, a way out of current life and into another. If I do it correctly, I should be able to immerse myself in the story's surroundings. So having said that, when writing a romance novel, how deep do you go down the rabbit hole? 

Love making scenes are ones that also involves a little visual thought. You have to visualize two people starting at point A and ending in point Z. For the reader however, it's not the starting and the ending, it's the stuff in between. Remember, some readers are visual and some are not, so it's the visual readers that you want to appeal to! On the other hand, how you write your scenes can also help the non-visual readers too!

Saturday, I also stayed up late(almost 3am!), for some reason, this night flowed better. Not sure why, but it did, but I ended with my two main characters in heart break. My wife of course said "You can't leave them like that!". Cliff hanger! So, I guess the next time I write, I'll will be mending some hearts! 

Saturday, August 20, 2016


This is now the eighth weekend that I have spent writing, although tonight was more about editing then writing. I am working on a second manuscript roughly titled- Kindred Souls: Voyage of the Scotsmen. I'm not going to reveal anything yet, but let's just say that I had a hard time closing the story out! In going with the title of this blog, I more so now than ever, "recognize" that becoming an author requires burning the midnight oil alot. I like doing it, but man do I hurt in the morning!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I would like to congratulate Sadie K. Frazier on her recent acceptance of her manuscript to Solstice Publishing!! Way to go Sadie!!!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Here is some updated info including a soon to be released anthology:
In this awesome collection of short stories you will find mine called: Tales from the Wondrous Attic