Thursday, July 28, 2016

Just another rainy night...

Well it's not rainy, but it is another night spent setting up things for my Crafted Quill of Stephen St. Clair. I do hope to be able to make this a full time job- writing that is! I was telling my friend April that I have 11 manuscripts in the works, but 2, well okay one, that is already turned in and one more that I need to finish editing. Oh did I mention yet that it's over 250 pages typed?! Lot's to do there! My wife and I spent 7-8 hours just editing my short story and it was only 51 pages! There's always something to do I guess!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

All about me!

Hi Everyone,
This is my first entry on my blog. I have in production my first manuscript! I can't reveal the title yet as it is a part of an anthology, but I will keep you updated as things come to fruition! Until then, keep on writing!